Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Slice of life #6

                                                                 The horrifying crash
One long day ago when I was just I think it was 3 years old and my sisters were having a race to the glass door, you can guess what happened next. So my dad was making breakfast for us and my sisters were playing around in the living room and then my oldest sister said why don’t we have a race. And that happened, as soon as they said go both ran at their fastest. Next thing I heir is glass shattered and my sisters bleeding, my dad was mad and not mad because why would they even do that and they are bleeding out of everywhere! That day they went to the hospital and got pieces of glass taken out of their arms.This my mom says “should teach you a lesson maybe” and so my sister learned from that since today.

This is a slice of life because I was kinda using my point of view.

1 comment:

  1. "Bleeding out of everywhere!" I think that might be a hyperbole...Still a good story.


2 poems

                      Black Black is the color of the night sky Black is the opposite of bright light Black is a very evil color ...